Thursday, May 21, 2015

New Visitor Guides at the CVB!

At the beginning of this week our brand new Visitors Guides arrived! These guides list all of Gallia's local attractions, restaurants, places to stay, activities and much more! When anyone arrives at the Gallia County and Convention Visitors Bureau the very first thing I hand them is our Visitors Guide.

As a student I am constantly asking questions, so I grabbed our Executive Assistant Karen McCarty and here is what she had to say!

How long did it take to create the new Guide?

It started months ago...we wanted to have it out in March so that we could have them at the Tourism Expo. However it took about six months to get it just right!

What goes into creating a new visitors guide?

Adding and removing information, them move it all around. Contacting new sponsors and getting those ads formatted correctly. Toward the end of the process they changed the set up from folded to a booklet type of guide.

How often should a visitors guide be updated?

Distributing guides around town
It depends if you have events listed annual events usually stay. Ideally it should be yearly, if you can afford it. Cost prohibits us from being able to update yearly and other smaller tourism entities.

How many guides did the Bureau order?

20,000 guides and 9,000 of those went out to Ad Rack which is a Tourist Broacher Distribution Service that takes tourist literature to locations such as roadside rests. This is a larger amount of guides than we normally order because we are using the Ad Rack. The 9,000 guides will be at stops in Washington County, Wood County, Ashtabula County, Belmont County, Preble County and Scioto County.

Why are the sponsors who purchase ads important?

They help us get the guide printed with limited expense to us and we can use money to promote the area. Also it gives the sponsors a chance to get their information available to the public.

Why is it important to have a visitors guide for Gallia County?

To attract people here and show what our county has to offer!

Stop in anytime at the Bureau to pick up your copy of the visitors guide!

Thanks for reading,

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